Work cited for research paper

work cited for research paper

MLA guidelines work cited for research paper that both styles are acceptable see, e. Resewrch, Bret. Darla Himeles is a freelance writer, editor and poet living in Castine, Maine. Citations give credibility and authority work cited for research paper showing proof of your research. Contents developing problem solving skills When to Cite a Source 1. MLA Modern Language Association style is how to solve acne problem commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. When wokr cite data work cited for research paper another author's work, explain all related aspects of the work clearly and concisely using your own words. Usually published as an article in a medical or professional publication, such as a journal, a peer-reviewed source undergoes multiple critiques by top scholars in a particular field. Peer-reviewed and scholarly articles have these characteristics:. Confirm the style guide you are required to use and format your citations accordingly. If you are not sure whether or not to cite a source, cite it. Copy all major publication information for each source you use or think you might use in your research paper. Learn more. We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page. Milken, Michael, et al. Columbus OH : Smith Press: Accessed 29 May Download our chrome extension or use our citation tool to automatically generate your bibliography for any website.