How to write summary for article

how to write summary for article

Now I definitely can write a pretty decent summary. Answer: The summary should end with the author's conclusion or last main point. How to write summary for article anything sounds off, fix it. This service allows you to sign business plan to open a gym for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn how to write summary for article from ads on your articles. After writing this you should definitely re-read everything you wrote to make sure your summary matches the article. Try to avoid any generalities, and keep your summary papers concise, focused. In a business or science report, you can use bullets in a summary; however, in most academic subjects, it would not be appropriate. When you revise, make sure that you connect each paragraph to the next, and back to the main point. Outline the main idea of the original text. Identify the Main Idea or Topic The aim of an article is to convey a certain idea or topic through the use of exposition and logic. This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Hi Edu--If you assignment is to write about an article, then you usually need to summarize tell the main ideas of the article before you talk about it.